Sunday, January 13, 2013

Configure and Deploy Applications with Tomcat 7

This article will show us how to use Apache Tomcat as beginners. I illustrate on Window 7 OS.


You browse the home address of Apache Tomcat and easy to see download links on the left side.
When I write this article, the current version is 7.0. After you download the zip file, you extract to a location on your computer. Assume that we extract it to C:\Tomcat. You also should set environment variables for Tomcat, for example: TOMCAT_HOME = C:\Tomcat and add TOMCAT_HOME \bin to the PATH variable.

Configuration Users and Roles

First of all, we have to declare users details for Tomcat. We also need to configure the access roles for users. Tomcat has various roles for users. To add or modify users’ information, we open TOMCAT_HOME\conf\tomcat-users.xml to do it. From the Tomcat zip file, this file is empty with no user.
Users are declared with a <user> tag which have 3 attributes: username, password, and roles (could have many roles separated by a comma). We put <user> tags inside the <tomcat-users> tag.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="admin,manager,manager-gui"/>
  <user username="ducky" password="2013" roles="manager-gui"/>
As examples above, user admin has password admin and 3 roles: admin, manager, and manager-gui. User ducky has password 2013 and two roles: manage-gui and admin-gui.
Note that, by default no user is included in the ‘manager-gui’ role required to operate the "/manager/html" web application (TOMCAT description). The ‘manager-gui’ allows users using the web application. The ‘admin-gui’ allows users checking and changing hosting (or the host manager role).

Configuration Server Ports and Host

To configure these information, we open file .
The default port of Tomcat is 8080. If you install it on your computer, you could connect by address: http://localhost:8080. To change connection port of Tomcat on web browsers (HTTP protocol), for instance, to 8081, we change as below:
 <Connector port="8081" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" />

 Start and Stop Tomcat

To start Tomcat, you could run TOMCAT_HOME\bin\startup.bat. If you open Tomcat by browsers, you could see the GUI like this and configure and see Server status, applications, hosting.

To shutdow Tomcat, you could run TOMCAT_HOME\bin\shutdow.bat

Deploy applications on Tomcat

To deploy applications by war files, you start up Tomcat, then browse the manage applications by address http://localhost:8080/manager/html. Scroll down to the Deploy part, you could choose a war file and deploy it. After deployed, the application will appear on the Application list.

To deploy applications by html files, for instance, you could add the application by copy and past directly to the folder: TOMCAT_HOME\webapps. I create a folder Test (it is also the Test application), and put a simple index.html inside Test:
This is demo for applications
Then, we start Tomcat, and we could see from the Application list on application manager, the test application appears as others. Click on the link, the content of index.html of test application will be displayed.

Note: After we deploy applications (by wars or directly), we must restart Tomcat if it is running. Tomcat just recognizes applications on the webapps folder since the last time it starts.  

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